French Club: There is a French Club meeting tomorrow. Bring ideas for the tee-shirt design contest.
French 6: Students continued to learn CLASSROOM VOCABULARY today. I did an entire lesson on how to use Quizlet. Students played match (10 times) and spell for CLASSROOM OBJECTS.
Homework: If you didn't do match ten times, finish that.
Do SPELL for Objects in the classroom. This will not be due until Monday (Sunday night), but you can start early: Do Spell to 100% on the objects in the classroom! If it is done by tonight, you will get the 10-point bonus. Be sure you are typing in French.
NOTE: Quizlet homework must be completed the NIGHT BEFORE. If it is "due" Monday, it must be complete by Sunday night. If you have a special event and must do it before school, your parent must email me before school and tell me that you did it, or I won't know to check and give you credit.
Be sure to charge your surface!
French 6: Students continued to learn CLASSROOM VOCABULARY today. I did an entire lesson on how to use Quizlet. Students played match (10 times) and spell for CLASSROOM OBJECTS.
Homework: If you didn't do match ten times, finish that.
Do SPELL for Objects in the classroom. This will not be due until Monday (Sunday night), but you can start early: Do Spell to 100% on the objects in the classroom! If it is done by tonight, you will get the 10-point bonus. Be sure you are typing in French.
NOTE: Quizlet homework must be completed the NIGHT BEFORE. If it is "due" Monday, it must be complete by Sunday night. If you have a special event and must do it before school, your parent must email me before school and tell me that you did it, or I won't know to check and give you credit.
Be sure to charge your surface!