The prepositions "à" and "de" contract with the French articles "le" and "les." See below for the rules and practice.
Notes for à :
The word "à" has three meanings in French: in /at /to When we place "à" in front of the definite articles "le" or "les" "à" contracts to a different form. Note that it does NOT contract in front of other words.
Je suis Je vais Je parle J'assiste
Je rends visite
à au à la à l' aux à mon à un
à mes
Paris. lycée. banque. aéroport cafés
copain. match
no contraction à + le = au no contraction no contraction à + les = aux no contraction no contraction
no contraction
Notes for de :
The word "de" has three meanings in French: from /of /about When we place "de" in front of the definite articles "le" or "les" "de" contracts to a different form. Note that it does NOT contract in front of other words.
Je viens Je parle
J'ai peur
de du de la de l' des de mon d'un
de mes
Paris. lycée. banque. aéroport
copain. match
no contraction de + le = du no contraction no contraction de + les = des no contraction no contraction
no contraction
Practice contractions with "à" and "de" here.
Practice sentences/questions with "à" and "de" here.
Practice advanced sentences/questions with "à" and "de" here.