THERE IS A UNIT TEST ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. French Club is this Friday.
French 6: Today I checked review guides and we played a review game. The answers to the review guide are HERE.
Homework: Study for tomorrow's unit test. Here are some things to keep in mind:
You will have to be able to SPELL (in French) everything but the commands.
You will have to be able to say aloud a list of numbers.
You will have a listening section where you will have to understand commands, numbers, letters, and French questions.
I have prepared an entire page of review for you HERE. There is a practice test, listening, Quizlet, etc... I've also created a COMPLETE QUIZLET REVIEW GUIDE. If this is too long for you, feel free to do some of the smaller Quizlets for practice.
NOTE FOR QUIZLET: You have to have the spelling, capitalization, and punctuation correct!
Do your Digital Citizenship by Friday. If you are able to send me a picture of the certificate at 90% or better, please do so. My class is doing "Digital Break," which is found under the "A."