French 6: Today, we went over the WHY TAKE FRENCH article, and students wrote their FAVORITE REASONS.
Students received their RESEARCH groups and found out what country they will be researching.
There are three webpages for this unit: The French-Speaking World, Five Countries, and The Project page.
I also handed out project information. Once students have chosen a project, they need to get the sheet signed by a parent. It is due tomorrow, but I will take it Friday if students need more time to decide.
Homework: Talk over the project (above) with a parent and get your project sheet signed.
Students received their RESEARCH groups and found out what country they will be researching.
There are three webpages for this unit: The French-Speaking World, Five Countries, and The Project page.
I also handed out project information. Once students have chosen a project, they need to get the sheet signed by a parent. It is due tomorrow, but I will take it Friday if students need more time to decide.
Homework: Talk over the project (above) with a parent and get your project sheet signed.