FOOD DAY NOTE: Bring food in the morning between 8:00 and 8:35 to D743. If I am not in the room, bring the food to class at your regular time. Third period will meet in F104, but you should still bring your food to the French room in the morning if possible.
French 6: The only class that met today is third period. Students worked on their table setting project. They had to write six sentences and also draw and label a table setting. Second period will not have another class day and must bring the project completed by Wednesday of next week.
Homework: Bring your cafe day items on Monday morning to D743. If you didn't already do the meal and table QUIZLET (spell), please complete it HERE.
French 6: The only class that met today is third period. Students worked on their table setting project. They had to write six sentences and also draw and label a table setting. Second period will not have another class day and must bring the project completed by Wednesday of next week.
Homework: Bring your cafe day items on Monday morning to D743. If you didn't already do the meal and table QUIZLET (spell), please complete it HERE.