PR Club is tomorrow - Be sure you have contacted your buddy.
Pages with QuotePics are due Friday. Be sure to proofread them and follow all procedures.
Find out if you can stay for the 7th grade dance (10/13) or Family Fun Night (11/5).
RED RIBBON WEEK - You need at least five pictures per day uploaded by Wednesday evening. No pictures uploaded after Wednesday will count toward your grade. Be sure they are in YOUR RRW folder. Be sure they are labelled correctly and that they are clear pictures.
Your partner assignments for picture are HERE. We will talk more on Wednesday about getting pictures for these assignments.
Pages with QuotePics are due Friday. Be sure to proofread them and follow all procedures.
Find out if you can stay for the 7th grade dance (10/13) or Family Fun Night (11/5).
RED RIBBON WEEK - You need at least five pictures per day uploaded by Wednesday evening. No pictures uploaded after Wednesday will count toward your grade. Be sure they are in YOUR RRW folder. Be sure they are labelled correctly and that they are clear pictures.
Your partner assignments for picture are HERE. We will talk more on Wednesday about getting pictures for these assignments.