Bienvenue * Welcome * Bienvenue * Welcome * Bienvenue * Welcome * Bienvenue * Welcome * Bienvenue * Welcome
French Tutoring and Resources
Français 6
Introduction to French
The alphabet
School / Classroom Objects
Parts of the Body
Family and Age
Days of the Week
Dates and Months of the Year
Weather and Seasons
The French-Speaking World
Five French-speaking Countries!
Actions and Places, Opinions and Invitations
Food and Drink
House Pets
Farm Animals
Various Creatures
Français 8
Français 8 Review
Family and Friends Review
Adjective Review
Être Review
Avoir Review
Faire Review
Objects in the Classroom Review
- ER Verb Review
Question Review
Français 8 Nouveau
My Neighborhood
Places Around Town
Actions and Expressions
The Verb "Aller"
The Verb "Venir"
Contractions with "à" and "de"
Events / Getting Around Town
Position words
Giving Directions
Rooms of the House
Quel / Ce
School and School Subjects
Instruments and Sports
Clothing and Accessories
The Verb "Mettre"
Stem-changing Verbs
- IR Verbs
Former Students: Where are they now?
Class Pictures
Madame's Music
Featured Music
Archived Student Picks
Submit A Song
This Exists
Madame Explains Everything!
Map of Korea in French
Map of India in French
Mission Trip to Haiti
Opération Bonheur
Poems for Peace
What's New?
Donate Books to a Great Cause!!
Indicates required field
What French Song do you lovE????
Your Name
Name of your song
Link to a video of the song
Please be sure that the video you are sending is school appropriate! Is this a music video I'd be comfortable watching with my grandma? With the principal? With a fourth grader? If the answer is yes, then go ahead and send me a link! If not, then please do not send the link.
How did you hear about this song?
A teacher shared it with me.
My parents shared it with me.
A friend shared it with me.
I found it myself by searching online / on itunes.
I heard it in a French-speaking Ccuntry
Other (Please Explain)
Why do you like this song/music? What is it that draws you to this song / music?
Your Email Address
Name of the artist or group
Information about your song / What does it mean?
If you would like me to consider posting the song you love as a "featured video," please provide the following information: What the song is about (you'll have to research this!) and some information about the singer or group.
Background information about the artist
If you would like me to consider posting the song you love as a "featured video," please provide the following information: What the song is about (you'll have to research this!) and some information about the singer or group.
Music Main Page
Madame's Music
Featured Music
Student Picks