Which Club tee-shirt do you want to Wear? Vote Here!
We took the designs you submitted and modified them for printing.
Voting rules:
1. Voting begins 10/13 in French Club. Voting will end on 10/13 in the evening (in case anyone couldn't make it to the meeting).
2. In order to vote, you must be a French Club Member.
3. Each member gets one vote. Multiple submissions from the same person will be disqualified.
4. You must include your name and email to vote. No name/email = vote disqualified.
1. Voting begins 10/13 in French Club. Voting will end on 10/13 in the evening (in case anyone couldn't make it to the meeting).
2. In order to vote, you must be a French Club Member.
3. Each member gets one vote. Multiple submissions from the same person will be disqualified.
4. You must include your name and email to vote. No name/email = vote disqualified.